Happy Hour Session 5

Welcome to the Happy Hour AQA!

Today’s  session recapped what we have been doing so far in Happy Hour and mainly focused on achieving an AQA certificate.
This weeks session takes you through the first 3 points of the AQA and how you can achieve them.
Today saw the end of the 30 Day Happy Hour Challenge, but fear not, watch the live session to back find out how you can still get involved! You can download the challenge sheet below, fill it out and return it to us to get a FREE copt of the Happy Book! If you want to us to send you the sheets through the post, if you can’t print them, let us know!
If you watch the live videos back and get involved in the AQA, just leave us a sunshine emoji in the comments, so that we can see that you have watched it.
AQA Part One Download Sheet
AQA Part Two Download Sheet
AQA Part three Download Sheet
30 day Happy Hour Challenge sheet

If you missed today’s Live Session, you can watch it in the link below:

Happy Hour!

Posted by NUH Youth Service on Thursday, 30 April 2020


Don’t forget to join us on Thursday 7th May @ 4pm for our next Happy Hour session and the next part of the AQA.

Happy Hour Session 4

Introducing the Happy Hour AQA!

Today’s session recapped what we have been doing so far in Happy Hour and reliving our ‘Happy Prompts’

We also introduced you to our first Happy Hour AQA and how you can get involved. Recap on the Happy Hour videos, download the sheet below and leave us a sunshine emoji in the video comments!

Click on the link below for the new printable downloads:

AQA Part One Download Sheet

If you missed today’s Live Session, you can watch it in the link below:

NUHYS Happy Hour Live! Week 4

Posted by NUH Youth Service on Thursday, 23 April 2020


Don’t forget to join us on Thursday 30th April @ 4pm for our next Happy Hour session and brand new printable release!

Happy Hour Session 3

Project ‘Not-so Happy!

Today’s session was about enabling you to explore what it is that makes you feel sad sometimes and then thinking about ways in which we can turn that sad into happy!

There are also some useful links to websites and resources that can support you.

Click on the link below for the new printable downloads:

Project Not-so Happy Download Sheet
Happy Prompts Fill-out Sheet
Happy Prompts List

If you missed today’s Live Session, you can watch it in the link below:

Happy Hour 3

Posted by NUH Youth Service on Thursday, 16 April 2020

Don’t forget to join us on Thursday 23rd April @ 4pm for our next Happy Hour session and brand new printable release!

Happy Hour Session 2

Project Happy!

Today’s session was about enabling you to explore what it is that makes you feel happy and what maybe sometimes gets in the way of that! If you can identify what gets in the way, you half way there to making it better!

Click on the link below for the new printable download:

Project Happy Download Sheet

If you missed today’s Live Session, you can watch it in the link below:

Happy Hour

Posted by NUH Youth Service on Thursday, 9 April 2020


Don’t forget to join us on Thursday 16th @ 4pm for our next Happy Hour session and brand new printable release!

Happy Hour!

Hi Everyone, thanks so much for joining us for ‘Happy Hour’ this afternoon, we hope you found it helpful.

Here are the links for the mindfulness printable’s. Click on each one to download it.

Here is also a blank version of our 30 Day Happy Hour Challenge.

We want to leave each days challenge as a surprise, take the blank version of the challenge and write down what you have done each day in the relevant slots!  Don’t forget to share your challenges with us and tag us on social media!

If you missed the Live Session today, you can watch it back here:

Posted by NUH Youth Service on Thursday, 2 April 2020


Happy Hour will be back on 9th April at 4pm with a brand new print out!

Sharpie’s Blog: Coronavirus- How am I spending my time?

What strange and unprecedented times we are living in! It’s really easy to spend your time thinking about all those plans that had to be cancelled or thinking about what you would be doing right now if the coronavirus didn’t exist (trust me I have had my moments with these thoughts) however I have learnt that there is no point in thinking like this. It will only drag you down, you have to think of the positives and find ways to keep yourself busy and upbeat in these strange times. Hopefully this is where this blog will be helpful as
I am going to share with you the ways which I have been doing exactly this. 

One of the ways which I find to be very helpful in lifting my mood is doing exercise! It just puts me in a positive state of mind from the off when I go for my run in the morning. Each day I have been going for runs between 4 to 6 miles once a day. Other forms of exercise which I have been doing in the house involves me going in the loft, in my loft I have a weights and bench press and also a punch bag to help with my fitness.

Another thing I have signed up to do to use my time wisely is an online course in mental health. I have signed up to a site called Alison who do many free online courses. https://alison.com  This is a great way to use my time and it adds structure to my day and of course I am learning which is always a positive!

Other things I have been doing during this time is:

  • Listening to music (I am loving Lewis Capaldi at the minute – what an artist!)
  • Gaming- I am playing football manager at the moment which I am loving (I have of course took over the mighty reds!), 
  • Watching multiple series and films on Netflix and Now TV (If you are looking for a good series to watch I recommend watching the English game it’s a great series even if you don’t like football I think you would enjoy it!) 
  • Colouring in which I find both relaxing and very much enjoyable even for someone who wouldn’t exactly describe themselves as artistic or creative.

There are still things I want to do which I haven’t got round to doing yet I mean there are so many films I haven’t seen like the Lord of the Rings, all the Hobbit films, Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean and that’s just to name a few! 

My final message to everyone is that we are all in this together (sorry to quote High School Musical but it had to be done!) so look out for one another it’s an extremely strange and difficult time where everybody is feeling indifferent at the moment. Make sure to talk to family and friends during this time and use the wonderful technology that we have to enable us to do this. 

Stay safe, be kind, keep positive and I hope to see everyone soon!

Coronavirus Update!

We are sorry to report that all of our groups and sessions will be closed until further notice due to COVID-19.

In the meantime keep in touch with us online and through our social media pages:

Facebook: NUH Youth Service

  Instagram: nuhyouth

 Twitter: @NUHYS

If you need to speak to a Youth Worker for advice, support or just a chat, message us and we will get back to you.

Stay Safe everyone!

Follow us on Social Media…

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NUH Youth Service







Nathan’s Blog

Nathan is one of our amazing volunteers…read his blog about Youth Work support:

On the 21 May 2001 (18 years ago), I had a short stay in hospital to have an operation, I had my legs broken and then straightened out.

Following check-ups a few months later I heard a youth club had been set up for people with various health conditions.  By the end of that year I joined the youth club. This was the first time I’d stepped into a youth club and didn’t feel excluded by anybody!

During my time as a member of the youth club, I have made many friends and got involved with as many experiences as I could.  I was able to meet several other people with disabilities, have fun and learn and develop my skills.

In my late teens I decided and thought to my self ‘I didn’t want to leave a wonderful and caring place and felt is was time to give others the opportunities I’ve been given’. I started helping out here and there before becoming a volunteer, which I have been doing for 10 years and gaining my Level Two Certificate in Youth Work Practice.

This service has made me who I am. I have seen the service develop from a piloted project to where it is now. I have had lots of fun through formal and informal activities, the chance to improve confidence through team

challenges and training courses. The training and challenges I have had along with support for an interview helped me get an apprenticeship. #InspireEnableAchieve #YouthWorkinAction



Pears Foundation Youth Volunteering

If you are 16-24 years and would love the chance to make a difference to the lives of patients in hospital then you could sign up to be a Pears Youth Volunteer!

Funded by the Pears Foundation and Nottingham Hospitals Charity, new roles are being developed at the hospital to help with projects such as:

  • ‘Boredom Busters’ which involves working alongside activity coordinators to provide opportunities for patients to do activities, puzzles and games
  • ‘Fitness Friends’ which involves working with physiotherapists to help patients take more exercise


For further information click here

Blog: My NUH Youth Service Journey…

Callum is one of our fantastic volunteers.  He has recently secured a part-time Youth Work job with Nottinghamshire County Council. Read his Blog below about his journey:

My journey into NUH Youth Service started when I was 12 years old. Back then I was a socially awkward boy who would rather tackle someone on a football pitch and take their ankles out than speak to someone and have a conversation; oh how times have changed! Now I am a 22 year old young man who has two part time jobs, one of which is in a youth work setting and I can talk for England…to anybody!

Now I bet you are thinking that is quite a change within ten years and I would agree with you and it’s all thanks to the wonderful NUH Youth Service and their continued support.

As I have said I came to a youth club session when I was 12; the honest truth was it wasn’t for me back then I really wasn’t someone for meeting new people and making friends quickly. Five years later at the age of 17 I decided to come back and if I’m honest I’m not quite sure what made me come back at the time but honestly it was the best decision I have ever made! I got involved in all aspects of the youth service from the youth club, Lego group, skills for life sessions, youth forum and young adult group. This time not only did I make friends but I met friends which I’m pretty sure will be lifelong friendships!

Also thanks to the youth service I have had lots of training opportunities that I know I would otherwise not have had. I have been fortunate enough to experience going on some very exciting trips and residential holidays. These have really helped me gain valuable life skills and experience new activities that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. My first time going to Wales, which is an annual trip we do every year, will stay in my head forever. At this point I was still a young person who was experiencing going away without their family for the first time, I don’t think anyone could tell because I had the time of my life and felt very comfortable around everyone.

In 2017 the Youth Service gave me the opportunity to do a youth work course and become a peer mentor. This was a very exciting opportunity for me as I had previously expressed my desire to them about eventually wanting to begin a career in youth work myself. Through the youth work course I got to learn all about the different theories behind youth work and learn all about reflecting on your practice and generally get a better understanding of what youth work is all about.

The Youth Service has given me a lot of confidence to go on to achieve a lot of what I have done today. In November of 2017 I had the honour of receiving The Leckie Award of Achievement which honours a young adult who has moved into the adult’ services from the children’ services within the hospital, I found this very humbling. Also earlier in that year, again thanks to the Youth Service, I got to do a presentation in front of 130 nurses and other medical professionals explaining what the youth service is all about and how it helps to support young people, this was a huge honour and quite a big learning curve for me as I realised at that point that ‘I can’!

Since doing the youth work course my confidence has gone from strength to strength and I have really enjoyed moving up from peer mentor to volunteer this past year. During 2018 I have experienced my first full year of being a volunteer and have very much enjoyed the experience and having the extra responsibility that came with that.

The NUH Youth Service has supported me so much over the years, in parts with my own medical condition but in the main helping me to see that ‘I can do’ anything I want to if only I just try, for this I can’t thank them enough! I wouldn’t be in the position I am in now if it wasn’t for them and I now proudly say to all who will listen that I am too a very active (and talkative) part of a fantastic service!

We are Recruiting!

We are re-launching our Youth Service for 2019 with a new Health-based Youth Work Curriculum and new programme.

We are looking for passionate Youth Workers to join our team and be a part of this exciting new chapter!

A Senior Youth Worker, Accreditation & Transition Youth Worker & a Diabetes Youth Worker.

Could that be you?  For more information about the jobs click on the links below:

Senior Youth Worker

Accreditation & Transition Youth Worker

Diabetes Youth Worker

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